Robo-cars: Why Own One?

This article highlights the advantages of owning a robo-car in Nigeria. The major cars used in Nigeria are automatic driven cars and manual cars. Autonomous cars have not penetrated the market yet.

Robo-cars or self driving cars was a concept that once belonged to the future. That future is already upon us. With an increased need to protect the earth, many auto companies have started to diversify the cars being produced.

Efforts are put in place to make more cars that are less dependent on fuels and more dependent on electricity or other forms of power.

Definition of Robo-cars

A robo-car is a vehicle that is capable of sensing its environment and moving safely with little or no human input. Robo-cars also go by many names; self-driving cars, autonomous vehicles; just to mention a few.

Benefits of Owning A Robo-car

  • Less Likely to Crash

Robo-cars are lighter in weight that normal cars. The lightness of the car plays a major advantage in reducing the fuel consumption. 95% of human errors are eliminated when robo-cars are used. Individuals living with disabilities as well as other citizens can own cars and navigate the road without aid.

  • Planet Friendly

Robo-cars are lightweight cars hence a low dependency on fuel is observed. Some cars run on hydrogen while some are powered my electricity. These forms of energy for the car translates to air pollution and global warming becoming a thing of the past.

-Reduced Fatigue Many drivers often suffer from fatigue due to long hours of being on the road. Arguments that occur over direction and navigation are nonexistent with the use of robo-cars. Efficient travel is guaranteed. This makes the owner enjoy; fuel savings, a reduction in the costs and a reduced need for safety gaps.


-Robo-cars are vehicles designed for the comfort and safety of the user.

-The benefits of Robo-cars are low fuel consumption, effective use by all irrespective of the age, reduction in fatigue of the user and the protection of the ecosystem.

Go get one today!